Federative Republic of Brazil
Capital |
Currency | Government system |
Brasília |
Real (BRL) |
Presidential system |
Official language | Region |
Population |
Portuguese |
South America |
Estimation 2024 - 212 583 750 |
Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Brazil
Brazil - Click on the map to get a enlarged image in PDF format!
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Conditions for thematic maps with your own data and logotype Delivery as printable file by e-mail or plot by post office |
Layer | |
Province: | yes |
Streets: | yes |
Infrastructure: | yes |
Rivers: | yes |
Size | bis A2 |
Supply in | 7 working days |
Price |
1 bis 3 | 75 € |
> 3 | On request |
All information published herein is free usable quoting the source, including the maps, if they are not modified |
Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure
The population data in the table below is estmation for 2024, based on the census data from 2022.
Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the State name.
State▲ |
ISO 3166-2 |
Capital |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Density (pers/km²) |
Total |
| | 8 544 418 | 212 583 750 | 24,9 |
Last update: 11/26/2024 - 18:35:46 |
Acre | BR-AC | Rio Branco | 153 150 | 880 631 | 5,8 |
Alagoas | BR-AL | Maceió | 27 933 | 3 220 104 | 115,3 |
Amapá | BR-AP | Macapá | 143 454 | 802 837 | 5,6 |
Amazonas | BR-AM | Manaus | 1 577 820 | 4 281 209 | 2,7 |
Bahia | BR-BA | Salvador | 567 295 | 14 850 513 | 26,2 |
Ceará | BR-CE | Fortaleza | 146 348 | 9 233 656 | 63,1 |
Distrito Federal | BR-DF | Brasília | 5 822 | 2 982 818 | 512,3 |
Espírito Santo | BR-ES | Vitória | 46 184 | 4 102 129 | 88,8 |
Goiás | BR-GO | Goiânia | 341 290 | 7 350 483 | 21,5 |
Maranhão | BR-MA | São Luís | 333 366 | 7 010 960 | 21,0 |
Mato Grosso | BR-MT | Cuiabá | 906 807 | 3 836 399 | 4,2 |
Mato Grosso do Sul | BR-MS | Campo Grande | 358 159 | 2 901 895 | 8,1 |
Minas Gerais | BR-MG | Belo Horizonte | 588 384 | 21 322 691 | 36,2 |
Pará | BR-PA | Belém | 1 253 165 | 8 664 306 | 6,9 |
Paraíba | BR-PB | João Pessoa | 56 585 | 4 145 040 | 73,3 |
Paraná | BR-PR | Curitiba | 199 709 | 11 824 665 | 59,2 |
Pernambuco | BR-PE | Recife | 98 938 | 9 539 029 | 96,4 |
Piauí | BR-PI | Teresina | 252 378 | 3 375 646 | 13,4 |
Rio de Janeiro | BR-RJ | Rio de Janeiro | 43 910 | 17 219 679 | 392,2 |
Rio Grande do Norte | BR-RN | Natal | 53 307 | 3 446 071 | 64,6 |
Rio Grande do Sul | BR-RS | Porto Alegre | 282 062 | 11 229 915 | 39,8 |
Rondônia | BR-RO | Porto Velho | 238 513 | 1 746 227 | 7,3 |
Roraima | BR-RR | Boa Vista | 225 116 | 716 793 | 3,2 |
Santa Catarina | BR-SC | Florianópolis | 95 443 | 8 058 441 | 84,4 |
São Paulo | BR-SP | São Paulo | 248 809 | 45 973 194 | 184,8 |
Sergipe | BR-SE | Aracaju | 22 050 | 2 291 077 | 103,9 |
Tocantins | BR-TO | Palmas | 278 421 | 1 577 342 | 5,7 |
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