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Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Montevideo Uruguayan Peso (UYU) Presidential system
Official languageRegion Population
Spanish South America Estimation 2020 - 3 530 800

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Uruguay

Map Uruguay - Administrative division - Population density 2020

Uruguay - Click on the map to get a enlarged image in PDF format!

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is an estimation for 2020, based on the census data from 2011.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Province name.

Department ISO
Capital Area
Population Density
Total     175 016 3 530 800 20,17
Last update: 17/01/2023 - 02:15:00
Artigas UY-AR Artigas 11 928 74 100 6,21
Canelones UY-CA Canelones 4 536 603 700 133,09
Cerro Largo UY-CL Melo 13 648 89 600 6,57
Colonia UY-CO Colonia del Sacramento 6 106 131 300 21,50
Durazno UY-DU Durazno 11 643 59 000 5,07
Flores UY-FS Florida 5 144 26 500 5,15
Florida UY-FD Trinidad 10 417 69 300 6,65
Lavalleja UY-LA Minas 10 016 58 700 5,86
Maldonado UY-MA Maldonado 4 793 195 000 40,68
Montevideo UY-MO Montevideo 530 1 383 100 2609,62
Paysandu UY-PA Paysandú 13 922 119 900 8,61
Rio Negro UY-RN Fray Bentos 9 282 58 300 6,28
Rivera UY-RV Rivera 9 370 109 000 11,63
Rocha UY-RO Rocha 10 551 74 200 7,03
Salto UY-SA Salto 14 163 133 700 9,44
San Jose UY-SJ San José de Mayo 4 992 118 300 23,70
Soriano UY-SO Mercedes 9 008 83 700 9,29
Tacuarembó UY-TA Tacuarembó 15 438 92 900 6,02
Treinta y Tres UY-TT Treinta y Tres 9 529 50 500 5,30



Membership in international organisations and treaties

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Political Alliances

Regional Unions

Military alliances/Arms control

Law enforcement

Business Alliances



Free Trade Area, Internal Market

Technical alliances




Humanitarian Unions

Cultural Unions


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International Border disputes

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Land boundaries

Maritime boundaries


See also neighboring states

Argentina - Brazil




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List of international
and treaties



thematical maps


Country data

Official Web-Portal

National Law

Instituto Nacional de Estadística

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatic Relations

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Spanish Foreign Ministry


CIA - World Factbook

International data


UN-Population Fund

IOM - International Organization
for Migration

World Health Organisation


UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Special data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Gender Equality Observatory

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch


Organized Crime

Global Terrorism Database


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