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The following table shows the countries of Middle East and their population. The population data are estimations for 2023.


Flag Country Capital Area
Population Density
Total 7 575 519 482 328 414 63,7
Update: 15.03.2023

Armenia Yerevan29 800 2 989 091 100,3

Azerbaijan Baku86 600 10 420 515 120,3

Bahrain Manama750 1 553 886 2 071,8

Egypt Cairo1 001 449 109 546 720 109,4

Georgia Tiblisi57 215 4 936 390 86,3

Iran Tehran1 648 195 87 590 873 53,1

Iraq Baghdad434 128 41 266 109 95,1

Israel Tel Aviv20 991 9 043 387 430,8

Jordan Amman89 342 11 086 716 124,1

Kuwait Kuwait City17 818 3 103 580 174,2

Lebanon Beirut10 452 5 331 203 510,1

Oman Muscat309 500 3 833 465 12,4

Palestine Ramallah6 239 5 088 504 815,6

Qatar Doha11 606 2 532 104 218,2

Saudi Arabia Riyadh2 240 000 35 939 806 16,0

Syria Damascus185 180 22 933 531 123,8

Turkey Ankara814 578 83 593 483 102,6

United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi83 600 9 973 449 119,3

Yemen Sana‘a528 076 31 565 602 59,8

List of dependent territories and not internationally recognized countries

Flag Country Capital Leading country Area
Population Density
Total 127 697 11 285 530 88,4
Update: 15.03.2023

Abkhazia Sukhumi Self declared independent - Russia 8 600 246 313 28,6

Golan Heights Katzrin Occupied by Israel 1 200 25 261 21,1

Kurdistan - Iraq Erbil Self declared independent 46 861 5 754 770 122,8

Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert Self declared independent - Armenia 11 458 147 906 12,9

Rojava - Syria Kobane -
Ain al-Arab
Self declared independent 50 000 2 000 000 40,0

Shebaa-Farms - Occupied by Israel 22 4 000 181,8

South Ossetia Tskhinvali Russia 3 885 56 520 14,5

West Bank Ramallah Occupied by Israel 5 671 3 050 760 538,0


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