Capital |
Currency | Government system |
Bern |
Swiss Franc (CHF) |
Directorial system |
Official language | Region |
Population |
German French Italian Romansh |
Europe |
Estimation 2023 - 8 935 734 |
Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Switzerland
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Province: | yes |
Streets: | yes |
Infrastructure: | yes |
Rivers: | yes |
Size | bis A2 |
Supply in | 7 working days |
Price |
1 bis 3 | 80 € |
> 3 | On request |
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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure
The population data in the table below is an estimation for 2023, based on the census data from 2000.
Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Canton name.
Canton |
Capital |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Density (pers/km²) |
Total |
40 214 |
8 935 734 |
222,2 |
Last update: 15/05/2024 - 23:44:54 |
Aargau |
Aarau |
1 393 |
726 833 |
521,8 |
Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Herisau |
242 |
56 487 |
233,4 |
Appenzell Innerrhoden |
Appenzell |
173 |
16 585 |
95,9 |
Basel-Land |
Liestal |
518 |
298 784 |
576,8 |
Basel-Stadt |
Basel |
37 |
199 982 |
5 404,9 |
Bern |
Bern |
5 840 |
1 063 215 |
182,1 |
Freiburg |
Freiburg |
1 595 |
341 490 |
214,1 |
Geneva |
Geneva |
282 |
524 281 |
1 859,2 |
Glarus |
Glarus |
685 |
42 053 |
61,4 |
Graubünden |
Chur |
7 107 |
201 376 |
28,3 |
Jura |
Delémont |
838 |
74 540 |
88,9 |
Luzern |
Luzern |
1 429 |
420 326 |
294,1 |
Neuchâtel |
Neuchâtel |
803 |
178 276 |
222,0 |
Nidwalden |
Stans |
276 |
45 012 |
163,1 |
Obwalden |
Sarnen |
490 |
39 271 |
80,1 |
Schaffhausen |
Schaffhausen |
299 |
87 097 |
291,3 |
Schwyz |
Schwyz |
851 |
167 387 |
196,7 |
Solothurn |
Solothurn |
791 |
286 751 |
362,5 |
St Gallen |
St Gallen |
1 952 |
535 047 |
274,1 |
Tessin |
Bellinzona |
2 738 |
357 714 |
130,6 |
Thurgau |
Frauenfeld |
863 |
285 964 |
331,4 |
Uri |
Altdorf |
1 077 |
37 930 |
35,2 |
Waadt |
Lausanne |
2 820 |
845 759 |
299,9 |
Wallis |
Sion |
5 214 |
365 765 |
70,2 |
Zug |
Zug |
239 |
132 545 |
554,6 |
Zürich |
Zürich |
1 662 |
1 605 264 |
965,9 |
The cantons are divided in districts, illustrated in the next table. Instead of the not existing ISO 3166-2 classification is used the national district codification.
District |
Canton |
Capital |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Density (pers/km²) |
Total |
40 214 |
8 935 734 |
222,2 |
Last update: 15/05/2024 - 23:44:54 |
Aarau |
AG-1901 |
Aargau |
Aarau |
104 |
83 864 |
806,4 |
Affoltern |
ZH-101 |
Zürich |
Affoltern |
113 |
57 796 |
511,5 |
Aigle |
VD-2221 |
Waadt |
Aigle |
435 |
49 217 |
113,1 |
Albula |
GR-1841 |
Graubünden |
Tiefencastel |
684 |
8 144 |
11,9 |
Andelfingen |
ZH-102 |
Zürich |
Andelfingen |
167 |
32 731 |
196,0 |
Appenzell Innerrhoden |
AI-1600 |
Appenzell Innerrhoden |
Appenzell |
173 |
16 585 |
95,9 |
Arbon |
TG-2011 |
Thurgau |
Arbon |
89 |
59 035 |
663,3 |
Arlesheim |
BL-1301 |
Basel-Land |
Arlesheim |
96 |
160 577 |
1 672,7 |
Baden |
AG-1902 |
Aargau |
Baden |
153 |
152 146 |
994,4 |
Basel-Stadt |
BS-1200 |
Basel-Stadt |
Basel |
37 |
199 982 |
5 404,9 |
Bellinzona |
TI-2101 |
Tessin |
Bellinzona |
224 |
57 616 |
257,2 |
Bern-Mittelland |
BE-246 |
Bern |
Ostermundigen |
942 |
425 547 |
451,7 |
Berner Jura |
BE-241 |
Bern |
Courtelary |
542 |
53 918 |
99,5 |
Bernina |
GR-1842 |
Graubünden |
Poschiavo |
237 |
4 571 |
19,3 |
Biel |
BE-242 |
Bern |
Biel |
98 |
105 008 |
1 071,5 |
Blenio |
TI-2102 |
Tessin |
Acquarossa |
361 |
5 596 |
15,5 |
Bremgarten |
AG-1903 |
Aargau |
Bremgarten |
117 |
82 958 |
709,0 |
Brig |
VS-2301 |
Wallis |
Brig-Glis |
434 |
28 710 |
66,2 |
Broye |
FR-1001 |
Freiburg |
Estavayer-le-Lac |
173 |
35 863 |
207,3 |
Broye-Vully |
VD-2222 |
Waadt |
Payerne |
258 |
47 066 |
182,4 |
Brugg |
AG-1904 |
Aargau |
Brugg |
130 |
52 350 |
402,7 |
Bucheggberg |
SO-1103 |
Solothurn |
Bucheggberg |
63 |
8 184 |
129,9 |
Bülach |
ZH-103 |
Zürich |
Bülach |
185 |
164 120 |
887,1 |
Conthey |
VS-2302 |
Wallis |
Conthey |
234 |
30 865 |
131,9 |
Delémont |
JU-2601 |
Jura |
Delémont |
303 |
39 654 |
130,9 |
Dielsdorf |
ZH-104 |
Zürich |
Dielsdorf |
153 |
95 140 |
621,8 |
Dietikon |
ZH-111 |
Zürich |
Dietikon |
60 |
97 695 |
1 628,3 |
Dorneck |
SO-1104 |
Solothurn |
Dorneck |
75 |
21 173 |
282,3 |
Einsiedeln |
SZ-501 |
Schwyz |
Einsiedeln |
99 |
16 462 |
166,3 |
Emmental |
BE-245 |
Bern |
Langnau |
690 |
99 520 |
144,2 |
Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair |
GR-1843 |
Graubünden |
Scuol |
1197 |
9 189 |
7,7 |
Entlebuch |
LU-316 |
Luzern |
Entlebuch |
425 |
23 336 |
54,9 |
Entremont |
VS-2303 |
Wallis |
Sembrancher |
633 |
16 167 |
25,5 |
Franches-Montagnes |
JU-2602 |
Jura |
Saignelégier |
200 |
10 531 |
52,7 |
Frauenfeld |
TG-2012 |
Thurgau |
Frauenfeld |
280 |
70 418 |
251,5 |
Frutigen-Niedersimmental |
BE-249 |
Bern |
Frutigen |
774 |
41 412 |
53,5 |
Gäu |
SO-1101 |
Solothurn |
Thal Gäu |
62 |
23 070 |
372,1 |
Geneva |
GE-2500 |
Geneva |
Geneva |
282 |
524 281 |
1 859,2 |
Gersau |
SZ-502 |
Schwyz |
Gersau |
14 |
2 414 |
172,4 |
Glane |
FR-1002 |
Freiburg |
Romont |
169 |
26 510 |
156,9 |
Glarus |
GL-800 |
Glarus |
Glarus |
685 |
42 053 |
61,4 |
Goms |
VS-2304 |
Wallis |
Münster-Geschinen |
588 |
4 426 |
7,5 |
Gösgen |
SO-1105 |
Solothurn |
Olten-Gösgen |
69 |
25 705 |
372,5 |
Gros-de-Vaud |
VD-2223 |
Waadt |
Echallens |
232 |
48 083 |
207,3 |
Gruyere |
FR-1003 |
Freiburg |
Bulle |
490 |
61 437 |
125,4 |
Hérens |
VS-2305 |
Wallis |
Vex |
466 |
11 454 |
24,6 |
Hinterland |
AR-1501 |
Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Herisau |
136 |
24 663 |
181,3 |
Hinwil |
ZH-105 |
Zürich |
Hinwil |
180 |
100 837 |
560,2 |
Hochdorf |
LU-313 |
Luzern |
Hochdorf |
177 |
74 724 |
422,2 |
Höfe |
SZ-503 |
Schwyz |
Höfe |
38 |
30 121 |
792,7 |
Horgen |
ZH-106 |
Zürich |
Horgen |
104 |
131 177 |
1 261,3 |
Imboden |
GR-1844 |
Graubünden |
Domat/Ems |
204 |
21 702 |
106,4 |
Interlaken-Oberhasli |
BE-250 |
Bern |
Interlaken |
1229 |
48 745 |
39,7 |
Jura-Nord vaudois |
VD-2224 |
Waadt |
Yverdon-les-Bains |
701 |
95 911 |
136,8 |
Kreuzlingen |
TG-2013 |
Thurgau |
Kreuzlingen |
129 |
50 395 |
390,7 |
Kulm |
AG-1905 |
Aargau |
Unterkulm |
97 |
45 789 |
472,1 |
Küssnacht |
SZ-504 |
Schwyz |
Küssnacht |
29 |
14 042 |
484,2 |
Landquart |
GR-1845 |
Graubünden |
Igis |
175 |
25 865 |
147,8 |
Laufen |
BL-1302 |
Basel-Land |
Laufen |
90 |
21 084 |
234,3 |
Laufenburg |
AG-1906 |
Aargau |
Laufenburg |
171 |
36 538 |
213,7 |
Lausanne |
VD-2225 |
Waadt |
Lausanne |
65 |
173 635 |
2 671,3 |
Lavaux-Oron |
VD-2226 |
Waadt |
Cully |
140 |
65 113 |
465,1 |
Lebern |
SO-1107 |
Solothurn |
Lebern |
117 |
47 825 |
408,8 |
Lenzburg |
AG-1907 |
Aargau |
Lenzburg |
98 |
69 048 |
704,6 |
Leuk |
VS-2306 |
Wallis |
Leuk |
336 |
13 318 |
39,6 |
Leventina |
TI-2103 |
Tessin |
Faido |
480 |
8 680 |
18,1 |
Liestal |
BL-1303 |
Basel-Land |
Liestal |
86 |
63 592 |
739,4 |
Locarno |
TI-2104 |
Tessin |
Locarno |
551 |
64 592 |
117,2 |
Lugano |
TI-2105 |
Tessin |
Lugano |
307 |
154 445 |
503,1 |
Luzern-Land |
LU-312 |
Luzern |
Luzern |
188 |
106 450 |
566,2 |
Luzern-Stadt |
LU-311 |
Luzern |
Luzern |
29 |
82 922 |
2 859,4 |
Maloja |
GR-1846 |
Graubünden |
Samedan |
974 |
18 236 |
18,7 |
March |
SZ-505 |
Schwyz |
Lachen |
177 |
46 099 |
260,4 |
Martigny |
VS-2307 |
Wallis |
Martigny |
263 |
52 395 |
199,2 |
Meilen |
ZH-107 |
Zürich |
Meilen |
85 |
108 698 |
1 278,8 |
Mendrisio |
TI-2106 |
Tessin |
Mendrisio |
101 |
50 353 |
498,5 |
Mittelland |
AR-1502 |
Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Teufen |
60 |
17 927 |
298,8 |
Moesa |
GR-1847 |
Graubünden |
Roveredo |
496 |
8 909 |
18,0 |
Monthey |
VS-2308 |
Wallis |
Monthey |
257 |
50 397 |
196,1 |
Morges |
VD-2227 |
Waadt |
Morges |
373 |
88 363 |
236,9 |
Münchwilen |
TG-2014 |
Thurgau |
Münchwilen |
138 |
48 852 |
354,0 |
Muri |
AG-1908 |
Aargau |
Muri |
139 |
39 230 |
282,2 |
Neuchâtel |
NE-2400 |
Neuchâtel |
Neuchâtel |
803 |
178 276 |
222,0 |
Nidwalden |
NW-700 |
Nidwalden |
Nidwalden |
276 |
45 012 |
163,1 |
Nyon |
VD-2228 |
Waadt |
Nyon |
307 |
107 078 |
348,8 |
Oberaargau |
BE-244 |
Bern |
Wangen |
331 |
84 634 |
255,7 |
Oberklettgau |
SH-1401 |
Schaffhausen |
Neunkirch |
32 |
5 233 |
163,5 |
Obersimmental-Saanen |
BE-248 |
Bern |
Saanen |
575 |
16 785 |
29,2 |
Obwalden |
OW-600 |
Obwalden |
Obwalden |
490 |
39 271 |
80,1 |
Olten |
SO-1108 |
Solothurn |
Olten-Gösgen |
81 |
58 018 |
716,3 |
Ouest lausannois |
VD-2229 |
Waadt |
Renens |
26 |
82 525 |
3 174,0 |
Pfäffikon |
ZH-108 |
Zürich |
Pfäffikon |
163 |
63 027 |
386,7 |
Plessur |
GR-1848 |
Graubünden |
Chur |
285 |
43 233 |
151,7 |
Porrentruy |
JU-2603 |
Jura |
Porrentruy |
335 |
24 355 |
72,7 |
Prättigau / Davos |
GR-1849 |
Graubünden |
Davos |
853 |
26 060 |
30,6 |
Raron |
VS-2309 |
Wallis |
Raron |
398 |
11 444 |
28,8 |
Reiat |
SH-1402 |
Schaffhausen |
Thayngen |
39 |
9 503 |
243,7 |
Rheinfelden |
AG-1909 |
Aargau |
Rheinfelden |
112 |
49 406 |
441,1 |
Rheintal |
SG-1723 |
St Gallen |
Altstätten |
139 |
77 971 |
560,9 |
Riviera |
TI-2107 |
Tessin |
Osogna |
145 |
10 398 |
71,7 |
Riviera-Pays-d´Enhaut |
VD-2230 |
Waadt |
Vevey |
283 |
88 768 |
313,7 |
Rorschach |
SG-1722 |
St Gallen |
Rorschach |
50 |
45 317 |
906,3 |
Saint-Maurice |
VS-2310 |
Wallis |
Saint-Maurice |
191 |
14 706 |
77,0 |
Sarganserland |
SG-1725 |
St Gallen |
Sargans |
518 |
43 837 |
84,6 |
Sarine |
FR-1004 |
Freiburg |
Freiburg |
218 |
111 138 |
509,8 |
Schaffhausen |
SH-1403 |
Schaffhausen |
Schaffhausen |
106 |
57 988 |
547,1 |
Schleitheim |
SH-1404 |
Schaffhausen |
Schleitheim |
44 |
3 188 |
72,5 |
Schwyz |
SZ-506 |
Schwyz |
Schwyz |
494 |
58 249 |
117,9 |
See |
FR-1005 |
Freiburg |
Morat |
146 |
39 288 |
269,1 |
See-Gaster |
SG-1726 |
St Gallen |
Rapperswil-Jona |
246 |
71 685 |
291,4 |
Seeland |
BE-243 |
Bern |
Aarberg |
337 |
78 225 |
232,1 |
Sense |
FR-1006 |
Freiburg |
Tafers |
265 |
46 073 |
173,9 |
Sierre |
VS-2311 |
Wallis |
Sierre |
419 |
51 440 |
122,8 |
Sion |
VS-2312 |
Wallis |
Sion |
131 |
50 781 |
387,6 |
Sissach |
BL-1304 |
Basel-Land |
Sissach |
141 |
37 158 |
263,5 |
Solothurn |
SO-1109 |
Solothurn |
Solothurn |
6 |
16 851 |
2 808,5 |
St Gallen |
SG-1721 |
St Gallen |
St Gallen |
158 |
126 115 |
798,2 |
Stein |
SH-1405 |
Schaffhausen |
Stein |
31 |
5 990 |
193,2 |
Sursee |
LU-314 |
Luzern |
Sursee |
273 |
77 068 |
282,3 |
Surselva |
GR-1850 |
Graubünden |
Ilanz |
1374 |
21 438 |
15,6 |
Thal |
SO-1102 |
Solothurn |
Thal |
139 |
15 381 |
110,7 |
Thierstein |
SO-1110 |
Solothurn |
Thierstein |
102 |
15 329 |
150,3 |
Thun |
BE-247 |
Bern |
Thun |
322 |
109 421 |
339,8 |
Toggenburg |
SG-1727 |
St Gallen |
Lichtensteig |
489 |
48 781 |
99,8 |
Unterklettgau |
SH-1406 |
Schaffhausen |
Hallau |
47 |
5 195 |
110,5 |
Uri |
UR-400 |
Uri |
Altdorf |
1077 |
37 930 |
35,2 |
Uster |
ZH-109 |
Zürich |
Uster |
112 |
139 895 |
1 249,1 |
Vallemaggia |
TI-2108 |
Tessin |
Cevio |
569 |
6 034 |
10,6 |
Veveyse |
FR-1007 |
Freiburg |
Châtel-Saint-Denis |
134 |
21 181 |
158,1 |
Viamala |
GR-1851 |
Graubünden |
Thusis |
628 |
14 029 |
22,3 |
Visp |
VS-2313 |
Wallis |
Visp |
864 |
29 662 |
34,3 |
Vorderland |
AR-1503 |
Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Heiden |
46 |
13 897 |
302,1 |
Waldenburg |
BL-1305 |
Basel-Land |
Waldenburg |
105 |
16 373 |
155,9 |
Wasseramt |
SO-1106 |
Solothurn |
Wasseramt |
77 |
55 215 |
717,1 |
Weinfelden |
TG-2015 |
Thurgau |
Weinfelden |
227 |
57 264 |
252,3 |
Werdenberg |
SG-1724 |
St Gallen |
Buchs |
207 |
42 192 |
203,8 |
Wil |
SG-1728 |
St Gallen |
Wil |
145 |
79 149 |
545,9 |
Willisau |
LU-315 |
Luzern |
Willisau |
337 |
55 826 |
165,7 |
Winterthur |
ZH-110 |
Zürich |
Winterthur |
252 |
180 258 |
715,3 |
Zofingen |
AG-1910 |
Aargau |
Zofingen |
142 |
78 033 |
549,5 |
Zug |
ZG-900 |
Zug |
Zug |
239 |
132 545 |
554,6 |
Zürich |
ZH-112 |
Zürich |
Zürich |
88 |
433 890 |
4 930,6 |
Zurzach |
AG-1911 |
Aargau |
Zurzach |
130 |
37 471 |
288,2 |
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