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Republic of Chile

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Santiago de Chile Peso (CLP) Presidential system
Official languageRegion Population
Spanish South America Estimation 2023 - 19 960 889

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Chile

Map Chile - Administrative division - Population density 2023

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is a estimation for 2023.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Region name.

Region▲ ISO
Capital     Area
Population     Density
Total     739 652 19 960 889 26,99
Last update: 17/01/2023 - 02:14:47
Antofagasta CL-AN Antofagasta 126 049 714 142 5,67
Araucanía CL-AR Temuco 31 842 1 028 201 32,29
Arica y Parinacota CL-AP Arica 16 873 259 802 15,40
Atacama CL-AT Copiapó 75 177 319 048 4,24
Aysén CL-AI Coihaique 108 496 108 306 1,00
Bernardo O'Higgins CL-LI Rancagua 16 387 1 017 701 62,10
Biobío CL-BI Concepción 23 890 1 681 430 70,38
Coquimbo CL-CO La Serena 40 580 869 103 21,42
Los Lagos CL-LL Puerto Montt 48 539 907 429 18,69
Los Ríos CL-LR Valdivia 18 429 411 205 22,31
Magallanes CL-MA Punta Arenas 116 438 182 217 1,56
Maule CL-ML Talca 30 296 1 162 641 38,38
Ñuble CL-NU Chillán 12 610 519 437 41,19
Region Metropolitana Santiago CL-RM Santiago 15 403 8 367 790 543,26
Tarapaca CL-TA Iquique 42 226 401 588 9,51
Valparaiso CL-VS Valparaíso 16 417 2 010 849 122,49


The regions are divided into provinces, the values of which are shown in the following table.
Observation: In both tables - regions and provinces - the area of the Antarctic region claimed by Chile with over 1.2 million km² was not included in the area of Chile, the just over 2000 people living there were assigned to the province of Valparaiso, which is responsible for this area. Otherwise the area of Chile would increase by more than 35%.

Province▲ HASC     Region     Capital     Area
Population     Density
Total       739 652 19 960 889 26,99
Last update: 17/01/2023 - 02:14:47
Antártica Chilena MA AC Magallanes Puerto Williams 0 2 121 0,00
Antofagasta AN AN Antofagasta Antofagasta 67 814 472 591 6,97
Arauco BI AU Biobío Lebú 5 463 177 618 32,51
Arica AP AR Arica y Parinacota Arica 8 726 256 439 29,39
Aysén AI AI Aysén Puerto Aysén 46 589 32 653 0,70
Biobío BI BI Biobío Los Ángeles 14 988 428 300 28,58
Cachapoal LI CA Bernardo O'Higgins Rancagua 7 384 725 440 98,24
Capitán Prat AI CP Aysén Cochrane 37 044 4 985 0,13
Cardenal Caro LI CC Bernardo O'Higgins Pichilemu 3 325 49 663 14,94
Cauquenes ML CQ Maule Cauquenes 3 027 62 028 20,49
Cautín AR CT Araucanía Temuco 18 409 812 032 44,11
Chacabuco RM CB Region Metropolitana Santiago Colina 2 076 355 122 171,06
Chañaral AT CR Atacama Chañaral 24 436 27 081 1,11
Chiloé LG CE Los Lagos Castro 9 137 183 347 20,07
Choapa CO CH Coquimbo Illapel 10 132 96 424 9,52
Colchagua LI CL Bernardo O'Higgins San Fernando 5 678 242 598 42,73
Concepción BI CN Biobío Concepción 3 439 1 075 512 312,74
Copiapó AT CO Atacama Copiapó 32 539 209 519 6,44
Cordillera RM CD Region Metropolitana Santiago Puente Alto  5 528 716 112 129,54
Coyhaique AI CI Aysén Coyhaique 12 943 62 800 4,85
Curicó ML CU Maule Curicó  7 281 322 473 44,29
Diguillín NB DG Ñuble Bulnes 5 230 348 258 66,59
El Loa AN EL Antofagasta Calama 41 999 206 626 4,92
Elqui CO EQ Coquimbo Coquimbo 16 895 585 664 34,66
General Carrera AI GC Aysén Chile Chico 11 920 7 868 0,66
Huasco AT HU Atacama Vallenar 18 202 82 448 4,53
Iquique TP IE Tarapacá Iquique 2 835 370 877 130,82
Isla de Pascua VS IP Valparaíso Hanga Roa 164 8 743 53,31
Itata NB IT Ñuble Quirihue 2 177 56 669 26,03
Limarí CO LM Coquimbo Ovalle 13 553 187 015 13,80
Linares ML LN Maule Linares 10 050 315 332 31,38
Llanquihue LG LL Los Lagos Puerto Montt 14 876 455 001 30,59
Los Andes VS LA Valparaíso Los Andes 3 054 119 516 39,13
Magallanes MA MG Magallanes Puerto Arenas 38 401 146 053 3,80
Maipo RM MI Region Metropolitana Santiago San Bernardo  1 121 578 554 516,11
Malleco AR ML Araucanía Angol 13 433 216 169 16,09
Marga Marga VS MM Valparaíso Quilpué 1 159 388 865 335,52
Melipilla RM ME Region Metropolitana Santiago Melipilla 4 066 220 878 54,32
Osorno LG OS Los Lagos Osorno 9 224 249 728 27,07
Palena LG PL Los Lagos Chaitén 15 302 19 353 1,26
Parinacota AP PR Arica y Parinacota Putre 8 147 3 363 0,41
Petorca VS PE Valparaíso La Ligua 4 589 84 288 18,37
Punilla NB PU Ñuble San Carlos 5 203 114 510 22,01
Quillota VS QT Valparaíso Quillota 1 133 224 340 198,01
Ranco LR RA Los Ríos La Unión 8 232 98 141 11,92
San Antonio VS SA Valparaíso San Antonio 1 512 186 762 123,52
San Felipe de Aconcagua VS SF Valparaíso San Felipe 2 659 171 347 64,44
Santiago RM SG Region Metropolitana Santiago Santiago 2 030 6 143 444 3026,33
Talagante RM TG Region Metropolitana Santiago Talagante 582 353 680 607,70
Talca ML TC Maule Talca 9 938 462 808 46,57
Tamarugal TP TM Tarapacá Pozo Almonte  39 391 30 711 0,78
Tierra del Fuego MA TI Magallanes Porvenir 22 593 8 527 0,38
Tocopilla AN TO Antofagasta Tocopilla 16 236 34 925 2,15
Última Esperanza MA UE Magallanes Puerto Natales  55 444 25 516 0,46
Valdivia LR VD Los Ríos Valdivia 10 197 313 064 30,70
Valparaíso VS VS Valparaíso Valparaíso 2 147 826 988 385,18



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Country data

Official Web-Portal

National Law

Instituto Nacional de Estadística

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatic Relations

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Spanish Foreign Ministry



CIA - World Factbook

International data


UN-Population Fund

IOM - International Organization
for Migration

World Health Organisation


UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Special data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Gender Equality Observatory

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch


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Global Terrorism Database


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