Capital |
Currency | Government system |
Different |
Different |
International area |
Official language | Region |
Population |
Different |
Australia & Oceania |
2018 - max. 3517 |
Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Antarctica

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Province: | Si |
Streets: | no |
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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure
In the Antarctic Treaty System - which initially began in 1960 - there are now
53 integrated member states, but only 29 of them are full members, with the
right to participate in decision-making. Seven of the founding states have
defined territorial claims, and the US and Russia have reserved the right to
assert claims. The claimed areas are not internationally recognised.
following claims are on record:
Territory |
Claiming country |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Limits |
Total |
15 509 909 |
03.09.2023 - 00:28:44 |
Adélie Land |
Francia |
432 000 |
33 - 80 |
142°2′E-136°11′E |
Argentine Antarctica |
Argentina |
1 461 597 |
469 |
25°W-74°W |
Australian Antarctic Territory |
Australia |
5 896 500 |
1 000 |
160°E-142°2′E |
British Antarctic Territory |
Reino Unido |
1 709 400 |
250 |
20°W-80°W |
Chilean Antarctic Territory |
Chile |
1 250 258 |
115 |
53°W- 90°W |
Marie Byrd Land |
Not claimed |
1 610 000 |
n.d. |
90°W-150°W |
Peter I Island |
Norway |
154 |
0 |
68°50′S-90°35′W |
Queen Maud Land |
Norway |
2 700 000 |
n.d. |
44°38E-20°W |
Ross Dependency |
Nueva Zealandia |
450 000 |
1 400 |
150°W-160°E |
Superimposed claims |
Argentina, Reino Unido |
0 |
0 |
25°W-53°W |
Superimposed claims |
Argentina, Chile, Reino Unido |
0 |
0 |
53°W-74°W |
Superimposed claims |
Chile, Reino Unido |
0 |
0 |
74°W-90°W |
While the declared territorial claims are
essentially based on a possible economic use, raw materials and fishing rights,
the scientific international cooperation is not yet so strongly subject to
national interests. Several countries maintain research and meteorological
stations in Antarctica. The most important current stations are listed in the
following table.
Station |
Location |
Type |
Country |
Created |
Populace max. |
Summer |
Populace Winter |
Total |
4 854 |
4 822 |
1 190 |
03.09.2023 - 00:28:44 |
Aboa | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Finland |
1988 |
17 |
13 | 0 |
Alfred Faure | Île de la Possession | Permanent Subantarctic |
France |
1963 |
45 | 45 | 24 |
Amundsen–Scott South Pole |
Geographical South Pole |
Permanent |
United States |
1957 |
153 |
150 |
49 |
Arctowski | King George Island |
Permanent | Poland |
1977 |
40 |
40 | 16 |
Artigas | King George Island | Permanent |
Uruguay |
1984 |
60 |
9 | 8 |
Arturo Prat | Greenwich Island |
Permanent | Chile |
1947 |
30 |
30 | 8 |
Belgrano II | Coats Land | Permanent |
Argentina |
1979 |
20 |
24 | 19 |
Bellingshausen | King George Island |
Permanent | Russia |
1968 |
40 |
40 | 20 |
Bharati | Larsemann Hills | Permanent |
India | 2012 |
47 |
46 |
23 |
Bird | Bird Island | Permanent Subantarctic |
United Kingdom |
1957 |
10 | 10 | 4 |
Brown | Paradise Harbor | Summer |
Argentina |
1951 |
12 |
12 | 0 |
Cámara | Half Moon Island | Summer |
Argentina |
1953 |
22 |
20 | 0 |
Campbell (automatizada) | Campbell Island |
Permanent Subantarctic | New Zealand |
1946 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Carlini | King George Island | Permanent |
Argentina |
1953 |
80 |
80 | 29 |
Carvajal | Adelaide Island | Summer |
Chile | 1984 |
46 |
46 |
0 |
Casey | Vincennes Bay | Permanent |
Australia |
1957 |
99 |
99 | 21 |
Collins | Fildes Peninsula | Summer |
Chile | 2006 |
6 |
6 |
0 |
Comandante Ferraz | King George Island |
Permanent | Brazil |
1984 |
64 |
35 | 15 |
Concordia | Dome C, Antarctic Plateau |
Permanent | France, Italy |
2005 |
80 |
70 | 13 |
Dallmann | Carlini Station | Summer |
Germany |
1994 |
16 |
16 | 0 |
Davis | Princess Elizabeth Land |
Permanent | Australia |
1957 |
91 |
91 | 17 |
Deception | Deception Island | Summer |
Argentina |
1948 |
36 |
18 | 0 |
Dirck Gerritsz Laboratory | Rothera Station |
Summer | Netherlands |
2013 |
10 |
10 | 0 |
Dobrowolski | Bunger Hills, Wilkes Land |
Summer | Poland |
1956 |
10 |
10 | 0 |
Dumont d'Urville | Adélie Land |
Permanent | France |
1956 |
90 |
90 | 24 |
Eco-Nelson | Nelson Island | Permanent |
Czech Republic |
1988 |
8 |
5 | 5 |
Eduardo Frei and Villa Las Estrellas | King George Island |
Permanent | Chile |
1969 |
150 |
150 | 80 |
Elichiribehety | Hope Bay | Summer |
Uruguay |
1945 |
8 |
7 | 0 |
Escudero | King George Island |
Permanent | Chile |
1995 |
90 |
60 | 2 |
Esperanza | Hope Bay | Permanent |
Argentina |
1953 |
90 |
116 | 56 |
Gabriel de Castilla | Deception Island | Summer |
Spain | 1989 |
36 |
33 |
0 |
GARS | Cape Legoupil | Permanent |
Germany |
1991 |
10 |
0 | 0 |
General Bernardo O'Higgins | Cape Legoupil |
Permanent | Chile |
1948 |
60 |
52 | 24 |
Gondwana | Transantarctic Mountains | Summer |
Germany |
1983 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
González Videla | Waterboat Point, Graham Land |
Summer | Chile |
1951 |
15 |
15 | 0 |
Gough | Gough Island | Permanent Subantarctic |
South Africa |
1956 |
10 | 10 | 10 |
Great Wall | King George Island |
Permanent | China |
1985 |
60 |
60 | 13 |
Guillermo Mann | Cape Shirreff | Summer |
Chile | 1991 |
8 |
8 |
0 |
Halley | Brunt Ice Shelf | Permanent |
United Kingdom |
2013 |
52 |
70 | 17 |
Jang Bogo | Terra Nova Bay | Permanent |
South Korea |
2014 |
62 |
62 | 23 |
Jinnah | Sør Rondane Mountains, Queen Maud Land |
Summer | Pakistan |
1991 |
0 |
0 | 0 |
Juan Carlos I | South Bay, Livingston Island |
Summer | Spain |
1988 |
50 |
27 | 0 |
Julio Ripamonti | Ardley Island | Summer |
Chile | 1982 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
King Edward Point | King Edward Point | Permanent Subantarctic |
United Kingdom |
1950 |
22 | 22 | 12 |
King Sejong | King George Island |
Permanent | South Korea |
1988 |
68 |
68 | 22 |
Kohnen | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Germany |
2001 |
28 |
6 | 0 |
Kunlun | Dome A | Summer |
China | 2009 |
26 |
26 |
0 |
Law-Racoviță-Negoiță | Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land |
Summer | Romania |
1986 |
13 | 13 | 0 |
Lenie | Admiralty Bay | Summer |
United States |
1985 |
2 | 2 | 0 |
Machu Picchu | Admiralty Bay, King George Island |
Summer | Peru |
1989 |
30 |
30 | 0 |
Macquarie | Macquarie Island | Permanent Subantarctic |
Australia |
1948 |
40 | 40 | 16 |
Maitri | Schirmacher Oasis | Permanent |
India | 1989 |
65 |
45 |
25 |
Maldonado | Greenwich Island | Summer |
Ecuador |
1990 |
34 |
32 | 0 |
Marambio | Marambio Island | Permanent |
Argentina |
1969 |
165 |
165 | 70 |
Marion | Prince Edward Islands | Permanent Subantarctic |
South Africa |
1948 |
18 | 18 | 18 |
Matienzo | Graham Land | Summer |
Argentina |
1961 |
12 |
12 | 0 |
Mawson | Mac Robertson Land | Permanent |
Australia |
1954 |
53 |
53 | 15 |
McMurdo | Ross Island | Permanent |
United States |
1956 |
1 200 |
1 000 | 153 |
Melchior | Melchior Islands | Summer |
Argentina |
1947 |
15 |
12 | 0 |
Mendel | James Ross Island | Summer |
Czech Republic |
2007 |
20 |
20 | 0 |
Mirny | Davis Sea | Permanent |
Russia |
1956 |
50 |
50 | 25 |
Molodyozhnaya | Thala Hills, East Antarctica |
Summer | Russia |
1962 |
15 |
15 | 0 |
Neumayer III | Atka Bay | Permanent |
Germany |
2009 |
60 |
60 | 9 |
Norvegia | Bouvet Island | Summer - Subantarctic |
Norway |
1927 |
6 | 6 | 0 |
Novolazarevskaya | Queen Maud Land |
Permanent | Russia |
1961 |
70 |
70 | 40 |
Orcadas | Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands |
Permanent | Argentina |
1903 |
65 |
35 | 17 |
Palmer | Anvers Island | Permanent |
United States |
1968 |
46 |
44 | 13 |
Petrel | Dundee Island | Summer |
Argentina |
1967 |
45 |
25 | 0 |
Port Lockroy | Goudier Island | Summer |
United Kingdom |
1944 |
4 | 4 | 0 |
Port-aux-Français | Kerguelen Islands | Permanent Subantarctic |
France |
1963 |
120 | 120 | 45 |
Primavera | Graham Land | Summer |
Argentina |
1977 |
18 |
18 | 0 |
Princess Elisabeth | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Belgium |
2007 |
40 |
22 | 0 |
Progress | Prydz Bay | Permanent |
Russia |
1988 |
50 |
50 | 25 |
Risopatrón | Robert Island | Summer |
Chile | 1949 |
6 |
6 |
0 |
Rothera | Adelaide Island | Permanent |
United Kingdom |
1975 |
136 |
160 | 27 |
San Martín | Barry Island | Permanent |
Argentina |
1951 |
21 |
19 | 21 |
SANAE IV | Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land |
Permanent | South Africa |
1997 |
80 |
110 | 15 |
Scott Base | Ross Island | Permanent |
New Zealand |
1957 |
86 |
78 | 11 |
Shirreff | Cape Shirreff | Summer |
United States |
1996 |
6 | 0 |
Showa | East Ongul Island | Permanent |
Japan | 1957 |
130 |
170 |
40 |
Signy | Signy Island, South Orkney Islands |
Summer | United Kingdom |
1947 |
8 |
14 | 0 |
St. Kliment Ohridski | Emona Anchorage, Livingston Island |
Summer | Bulgaria |
1988 |
22 |
22 | 0 |
Svea | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Sweden |
1988 |
5 | 5 | 0 |
Taishan | Princess Elizabeth Land | Summer |
China | 2014 |
20 |
20 |
0 |
TARS | Horseshoe Island | Summer |
Turkey |
2019 |
50 |
26 | 0 |
Tor | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Norway |
1993 |
7 | 7 | 0 |
Troll | Queen Maud Land | Permanent |
Norway |
1990 |
70 |
45 | 7 |
Union Glacier | Union Glacier | Summer |
Chile | 2014 |
70 |
70 |
0 |
Vechernyaya | Mount Vechernyaya, Thala Hills |
Summer | Belarus |
2007 |
12 |
11 | 0 |
Vernadsky | Galindez Island | Permanent |
Ukraine, United Kingdom |
1994 |
24 |
30 | 12 |
Vostok | Antarctic Ice Sheet | Permanent |
Russia |
1957 |
30 |
30 | 15 |
Wasa | Queen Maud Land | Summer |
Sweden |
1989 |
20 |
13 | 0 |
Yelcho | South Bay, Doumer Island | Summer |
Chile | 1962 |
28 |
28 |
0 |
Zhongshan | Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay |
Permanent | China |
1989 |
60 |
60 | 17 |
Zucchelli | Terra Nova Bay | Summer |
Italy | 1986 |
120 |
120 |
0 |
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