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French Southern & Antarctic Lands

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Saint-Pierre - Réunion Euro (EUR) Dependent from France
Official languageRegion Population
French Australia & Oceania Estimation 2012 - 256

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of French Antarctic Lands

Map French Antarctic Lands - Administrative division - Population density 2012

French Antarctic Lands - Click on the map to get a enlarged image in PDF format!

Other language versions are easy to generate, the description is in an own layer

Conditions for thematic maps with your own data and logotype
Delivery as printable file by e-mail or plot by post office
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All information published herein is free usable quoting the source,
including the maps, if they are not modified

Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is a estimation for 2012.

The islands are mainly used for scientific and military purposes, without permanent settlement.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Islands name.

Islands▲ INSEE     Capital     Area
Population     Density
Total     439 672 256 0,00
Last update: 01/16/2024 - 22:31:39
Crozet Islands 98413 Alfred-Faure-Station 352 18 0,05
Sint Paul and Amsterdam 98411 Martin-de-Vivies-Station 66 29 0,44
Adelieland 98414 Dumont-d’Urville-Station 432 000 33 0,00
Iles Eparses 98415 Saint-Pierre 39 56 1,44
Kerguelen 98412 Port-aux-Francais 7 215 120 0,00



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thematical maps

  • Poulation density for 2012


Country data

Terres australes française - Official Site

National Media


CIA - World Factbook

International data

Special data

UN Environment

Alternative Energy


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