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Union of the Comoros

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Moroni Comorian Franc (KMF) Presidential system
Official languageRegion Population
Africa Estimation 2019 - 873 800

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Comoros

Map Comoros - Administrative division - Population density 2019

Comoros - Click on the map to get a enlarged image in PDF format!

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is a estimation for 2019.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the State name.

State ISO
Capital Area
Population Density
Total     1 648,0 873 800 530,2
Last update: 17/01/2023 - 02:14:47
Anjouan KM-A Mutsamudu 427,5 370 200 866,0
Grande Comore KM-G Moroni 1010,7 445 100 440,4
Mohéli KM-M Fomboni 209,8 58 500 278,8


The main islands are divided into prefectures. Meanwhile the data for the main islands are estimates from 2019, the following table shows the prefectural census data from 2017. Since there is neither an ISO classification for the prefectures, nor a HASC or FIPS subdivision, neither ZIP nor telephone area code enabling a clear subdivision, a own ID code was introduced for them.

Prefecure Own ID Island Capital Area
Population Density
Total       1648,0 758 316 460,1
Last update: 17/01/2023 - 02:14:47
Djando KM-01 Mohéli Djando 57,6 9 349 162,3
Domoni KM-02 Anjouan Domoni 127,0 69 904 550,4
Fomboni KM-03 Mohéli Fomboni 76,0 30 834 405,7
Hamahamet-Mboinkou KM-04 Grande Comore Mbéni 102,0 36 648 359,3
Hambou KM-05 Grande Comore Mitsoudje 73,5 22 777 309,9
Itsandra-Hamanvou KM-06 Grande Comore N’Tsoudjini 168,0 57 335 341,3
Mbadjini-Est KM-07 Grande Comore Foumbouni 138,0 35 312 255,9
Mbadjini-Ouest KM-08 Grande Comore Dembéni 83,0 23 599 284,3
Mboudé KM-09 Grande Comore N’Tsaoueni 87,7 24 341 277,5
Mitsamiouli KM-10 Grande Comore Mitsamiouli 66,5 31 821 478,5
Moroni-Bambao KM-11 Grande Comore Moroni 116,0 121 236 1 045,1
Moya KM-12 Anjouan Moya 37,8 24 140 638,6
Mrémani KM-13 Anjouan Mrémani 65,7 65 448 996,2
Mutsamudu KM-14 Anjouan Mutsamudu 61,3 63 831 1 041,3
Nioumachoua KM-15 Mohéli Ouallah 76,2 11 384 149,4
Oichili-Dimani KM-16 Grande Comore Koumbani 176,0 26 298 149,4
Ouani KM-17 Anjouan Ouani 55,4 68 885 1 243,4
Sima KM-18 Anjouan Sima 80,3 35 174 438,0



Membership in international organisations and treaties

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See also neighboring states

French Antarctic Lands - Madagascar - Mayotte - Mozambique - Tanzania




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List of international
and treaties



thematical maps

  • Poulation density for 2019


Country data

Official Web-Portal

nstitut Nationale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques et Démographiques, Union des Comores

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatic Relations

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs


CIA - World Factbook

International data


UN-Population Fund

IOM - International Organization
for Migration

World Health Organisation


UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Development cooperation


Special data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Amnesty International


Global Terrorism Database


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