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Overseas region & department of France La Reunión´

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Saint-Denis Euro (EUR) Dependent from France
Official languageRegion Population
French Africa Estimation 2021 - 871 157

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Reunion

Map Reunion - Administrative division - Population density 2021

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is a estimation for 2021.

An ISO code for the administrative units is not defined. The INSEE code was used for the subdivision.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the District name.

District INSEE Communes Capital Area
Population Density
Total       2 504,9 871 157 347,8
Last update: 01/16/2024 - 22:31:38
Saint-Benoît 9741 6 Saint-Benoît 735,9 127 924 169,4
Saint-Denis 9743 3 Saint-Denis 288,8 213 402 683,0
Saint-Paul 9744 5 Saint-Paul 537,3 215 613 533,5
Saint-Pierre 9742 10 Saint-Pierre 942,9 314 218 319,4


The following table shows the municipalities by district. Since there are no ISO specification defined, the INSEE code was used for the subdivisions.

District INSEE Arrondissement Capital Area
Population Density
Total       2 504,9 871 157 347,8
Last update: 01/16/2024 - 22:31:38
Bras-Panon 97402 Saint-Benoît Bras-Panon 88,6 13 344 150,6
Cilaos 97413 Saint-Pierre Cilaos 84,4 5 390 63,9
Entre-Deux 97403 Saint-Pierre Entre-Deux 66,8 7 105 106,4
Étang-Salé 97404 Saint-Pierre Étang-Salé 38,7 13 836 357,5
La Plaine 97406 Saint-Benoît La Plaine 83,2 6 821 82,0
La Possession 97408 Saint-Paul La Possession 118,4 35 245 297,7
Le Port 97407 Saint-Paul Le Port 16,6 33 336 2 008,2
Le Tampon 97422 Saint-Pierre Le Tampon 165,4 81 943 495,4
Les Avirons 97401 Saint-Pierre Les Avirons 26,3 11 434 434,8
Petite-Ile 97405 Saint-Pierre Petite-Ile 34,0 12 617 371,1
Saint-André 97409 Saint-Benoît Saint-André 53,1 57 150 1 076,3
Saint-Benoît 97410 Saint-Benoît Saint-Benoît 229,6 37 023 161,3
Saint-Denis 97411 Saint-Denis Saint-Denis 142,8 154 765 1 083,8
Saint-Joseph 97412 Saint-Pierre Saint-Joseph 178,5 38 807 217,4
Saint-Leu 97436 Saint-Paul Saint-Leu 118,4 34 893 294,7
Saint-Louis 97414 Saint-Pierre Saint-Louis 98,9 53 935 545,3
Saint-Paul 97415 Saint-Paul Saint-Paul 241,3 105 240 436,1
Saint-Philippe 97417 Saint-Pierre Saint-Philippe 153,9 5 074 33,0
Saint-Pierre 97416 Saint-Pierre Saint-Pierre 96,0 84 077 875,8
Sainte-Marie 97418 Saint-Denis Sainte-Marie 87,2 34 344 393,9
Sainte-Rose 97419 Saint-Benoît Sainte-Rose 177,6 6 343 35,7
Sainte-Suzanne 97441 Saint-Denis Sainte-Suzanne 58,8 24 293 413,1
Salazie 97421 Saint-Benoît Salazie 103,8 7 243 69,8
Trois-Bassins 97423 Saint-Paul Trois-Bassins 42,6 6 899 161,9



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  • Poulation density for 2021