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Republic of Djibouti

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Djibouti Djiboutian Franc (DJF) Presidential system
Official languageRegion Population
Africa Census 2024 - 1 066 809

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Djibouti

Map Djibouti - Administrative division - Population density 2024

Djibouti - Click on the map to get a enlarged image in PDF format!

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is the census data from 2024, last available data.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Region name.

Region ISO
Arabic Capital Area
Population Density
Total       21 676 1 066 809 49,2
Last update: 08/03/2025 - 18:06:12
Ali Sabieh DJ-AS على صبيح Ali Sabieh 1 923 76 414 39,7
Arta DJ-AR عرته‎‎ Arta 1 813 48 922 27,0
Dikhil DJ-DI دخيل Dikhil 6 857 66 196 9,7
Djibouti DJ-DJ جيبوتي Djibouti City 173 776 966 4 491,1
Obock DJ-OB أوبوك Obock 4 528 37 666 8,3
Tadjourah DJ-TA تجورة Tadjourah 6 382 60 645 9,5


The regions are divided into Sub-prefectures, the data of which are shown in the table below.

Sub-prefecture Own Region Capital Area
Population Density
Total       21 676 1 066 809 49,2
Last update: 08/03/2025 - 18:06:12
Adayllou DJ-TA-01 Tadjourah Adayllou 1.092 5.876 5,4
Ali-Adeh DJ-AS-01 Ali-Sabieh Ali-Adeh 607 17.113 28,2
Ali-Sabieh DJ-AS-02 Ali-Sabieh Ali-Sabieh 505 3.631 7,2
Ali-Sabieh City DJ-AS-03 Ali-Sabieh Ali-Sabieh 16 44.782 2.798,9
Allaili-Dadda DJ-OB-01 Obock Allaili-Dadda 2.324 10.982 4,7
Arta DJ-AR-01 Arta Arta 828 9.332 11,3
Arta City DJ-AR-02 Arta Arta 7 11.221 1.603,0
As-Eyla DJ-DI-01 Dikhil As-Eyla 1.515 14.707 9,7
Balbala DJ-DJ-01 Djibouti Balbala 129 554.350 4.297,3
Boulaos DJ-DJ-02 Djibouti Boulaos 35 214.244 6.121,3
Damerjog DJ-AR-03 Arta Damerjog 319 22.904 71,8
Dikhil DJ-DI-02 Dikhil Dikhil 744 5.758 7,7
Dikhil City DJ-DI-03 Dikhil Dikhil 10 27.378 2.737,8
Dorra DJ-TA-02 Tadjourah Dorra 2.672 15.932 6,0
Holl-Holl DJ-AS-04 Ali-Sabieh Holl-Holl 795 10.888 13,7
Karta DJ-AR-04 Arta Karta 659 5.465 8,3
Khor-Angar DJ-OB-02 Obock Khor-Angar 1.380 2.984 2,2
Lac-Assal DJ-TA-03 Tadjourah Lac-Assal 1.132 5.293 4,7
Mouloud DJ-DI-04 Dikhil Mouloud 560 5.187 9,3
Obock DJ-OB-03 Obock Obock  818 3.548 4,3
Obock City DJ-OB-04 Obock Obock  6 20.152 3.358,7
Randa DJ-TA-04 Tadjourah Randa 610 8.684 14,2
Rasdika DJ-DJ-03 Djibouti Rasdika 9 8.372 930,2
Tadjourah DJ-TA-05 Tadjourah Tadjourah 869 6.052 7,0
Tadjourah City DJ-TA-06 Tadjourah Tadjourah 7 18.808 2.686,9
Yoboki DJ-DI-05 Dikhil Yoboki 4.028 13.166 3,3



Membership in international organisations and treaties

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Political Alliances

Regional Unions

Military alliances/Arms control

Law enforcement

Business Alliances


Free Trade Area, Internal Market

Technical alliances



Humanitarian Unions

Cultural Unions


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International Border disputes

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See also neighboring states

Eritrea - Ethiopia - Somalia - Yemen




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List of international
and treaties



thematical maps

  • Poulation density for 2024


Country data

Official Web-Portal

National Law

Ministry of Finance - Statistics

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatic Relations

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Spanish Foreign Ministry


CIA - World Factbook

International data


UN-Population Fund

IOM - International Organization
for Migration

World Health Organisation


UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Development cooperation



Special data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Amnesty International


Global Terrorism Database


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