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Julian Assange has been released from prison -
The Wikileaks revelation platform is currently facing challenges

Assange 2014Firstly, it should be noted that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was released on the basis of a deal with the US authorities after spending around 14 years in prison. The terms of the US administration provided for a face-saving travel route via Saipan, a US foreign territory. Assange was tried there in a lightning trial. He pleaded guilty to one of several dozen charges. The five-year period in extradition custody in the British high-security Belmarsh prison was taken into account and Assange was released as agreed. His further journey took him to Australia.

The less good news is that Julian Assange was found guilty. He is therefore now considered to have been finally convicted and charged with incitement and conspiracy to commit espionage and treason. Our assessment is in line with that of WELT journalist Deniz Yücel, who spent a long time in Turkish custody in a similar situation years ago and who declared: "A good day for Assange, not a good day for press freedom".

The US judiciary will celebrate the victory of their legal opinion, as whistleblower websites violate US laws if US citizens are involved, no matter where they work in the world. As a result, the US has set the desired precedent for other analogue platforms to operate, allowing them to increase pressure on the websites and their own whistleblowers.The attitude of the various US governments, from "Nobel Peace Prize winner" Obama to Trump, was highly congruent in terms of content.This is despite the use of arguments and facts from Wikileaks during the election campaign and the promises made before the election that turned out to be lies after taking office.

It is to be hoped that the Assange family will find the strength to rebuild their lives after 14 years of imprisonment and near imprisonment.

The further actions of Wikileaks after the judgement should be of great interest - not only for those who are interested in the truth behind the mostly one-sided and interest-driven press reports of the mainstream.


Julian Assange - The truth will be silenced!

Great Britain has done its vassal duty - Julian Assange is now to be extradited to the US, according to plans of the British judiciary, where he faces 175 years imprisonment. Not one of the publications has been proven to be wrong in terms of content - the messenger is punished and the perpetrators let go. This applies to the shooters and other people responsible for "Collateral Murder", for the manipulation of the democratic primaries by their own party leadership in favor of Hillary Clinton to the detriment of Bernie Sanders or other, at least equivalent revelations. Now the two leading figures in the current US administration are former Clinton supporters - what fate is Assange now facing?


Remember the campaigns for the release of Deniz Yücel - the world journalist for Springer - 2015 - 2018 - who was certainly as little in custody as Julian Assange is today - but where is the media outrage? And Assange has undoubtedly examined more politically relevant events than Mr Yücel.

The new German government, so interested in human rights - above all Ms. Baerbock, the new German Foreign Minister who, in addition to her human rights activities, is also linked to Atlantik Brücke - should have a pro-Assange intervention at heart. We'll see what is a priority for you. Since she has, it seems, excellent connections with the Ukrainian government, her activities to investigate the murder of at least 48 people in the Odessa labour union building on May 2, 2014, or the Maidan dead by snipers could add some news and condemnation of the perpetrators to be expected. Or not?

One thing is certain: Julian Assange must not be extradited to the USA!


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