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Burkina Faso

Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Ouagadougou West African CFA Franc (XOF) Parliamentary democracy
Official languageRegion Population
French Africa Estimation 2024
23 409 015

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Burkina Faso

Map Burkina Faso - Administrative division - Population density 2024

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Statistical data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data of the table below is an estimation form 2024, last available data.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header.
The default order is the region name.

Region ISO
Capital Area
Population Density
Total     267 951 23 409 015 87 4
Last update: 03.02.2023 - 01:48:43
Boucle du Mouhoun BF-01 Dédougou 34 153 2 120 626 62 1
Cascades BF-02 Banfora 18 406 944 950 51 3
Centre BF-03 Ouagadougou 2 805 3 623 784 1 291 9
Centre-Est BF-04 Tenkodogo 11 811 1 787 201 151 3
Centre-Nord BF-05 Kaya 19 829 2 134 352 107 6
Centre-Ouest BF-06 Koudougou 21 722 1 866 251 85 9
Centre-Sud BF-07 Manga 11 321 872 845 77 1
Est BF-08 Fada N’Gourma 46 256 2 240 243 48 4
Hauts-Bassins BF-09 Bobo-Dioulasso 25 344 2 572 566 101 5
Nord BF-10 Ouahigouya 16 208 1 939 319 119 7
Plateau Central BF-11 Ziniaré 8 544 1 096 483 128 3
Sahel BF-12 Dori 35 350 1 223 695 34 6
Sud-Ouest BF-13 Gaoua 16 202 986 700 60 9

The table illustrates the province values of the regions, the same is used in the map above.

Province ISO
Region Capital Area
Population Density
Total       267 951 23 409 015 87 4
Last update: 03.02.2023 - 01:48:43
Balé BAL Boucle du Mouhoun Boromo 4 595 334 571 72 8
Bam BAM Centre-Nord Kongoussi 4 084 547 043 133 9
Banwa BAN Boucle du Mouhoun Solenzo 5 882 387 013 65 8
Bazèga BAZ Centre-Sud Kombissiri 3 963 306 699 77 4
Bougouriba BGR Sud-Ouest Diébougou 2 812 174 914 62 2
Boulgou BLG Centre-Est Tenkodogo 6 692 830 879 124 2
Boulkiemdé BLK Centre-Ouest Koudougou 4 269 768 796 180 1
Comoé COM Cascades Banfora 15 277 741 521 48 5
Ganzourgou GAN Plateau Central Zorgho 4 178 545 393 130 5
Gnagna GNA Est Bogandé 8 468 775 945 91 6
Gourma GOU Est Fada N’Gourma 11 117 497 745 44 8
Houet HOU Hauts-Bassins Bobo-Dioulasso 11 568 1 739 914 150 4
Ioba IOB Sud-Ouest Dano 3 289 296 756 90 2
Kadiogo KAD Centre Ouagadougou 2 805 3 623 784 1 291 9
Kénédougou KEN Hauts-Bassins Orodara 8 137 456 454 56 1
Komondjari KMD Est Gayeri 5 048 121 130 24 0
Kompienga KMP Est Pama 7 029 139 394 19 8
Kossi KOS Boucle du Mouhoun Nouna 7 324 396 508 54 1
Koulpélogo KOP Centre-Est Ouargaye 2 497 411 999 165 0
Kouritenga KOT Centre-Est Koupéla 2 622 544 323 207 6
Kourwéogo KOW Plateau Central Boussé 1 588 200 906 126 5
Léraba LER Cascades Sindou 3 129 203 429 65 0
Loroum LOR Nord Titao 3 592 223 119 62 1
Mouhoun MOU Boucle du Mouhoun Dédougou 6 668 438 025 65 7
Nahouri NAO Centre-Sud 3 754 218 839 58 3
Namentenga NAM Centre-Nord Boulsa 6 464 585 255 90 5
Nayala NAY Boucle du Mouhoun Toma 3 919 248 934 63 5
Noumbiel NOU Sud-Ouest Batié 2 736 112 255 41 0
Oubritenga OUB Plateau Central Ziniaré 2 778 350 184 126 1
Oudalan OUD Sahel Gorom-Gorom 9 797 171 733 17 5
Passoré PAS Nord Yako 3 867 512 043 132 4
Poni PON Sud-Ouest Gaoua 7 365 402 775 54 7
Sanguié SNG Centre-Ouest Réo 5 178 434 841 84 0
Sanmatenga SMT Centre-Nord Kaya 9 281 1 002 054 108 0
Séno SEN Sahel Dori 6 863 459 894 67 0
Sissili SIS Centre-Ouest Léo 7 136 386 655 54 2
Soum SOM Sahel Djibo 12 222 401 970 32 9
Sourou SOR Boucle du Mouhoun Tougan 5 765 315 575 54 7
Tapoa TAP Est Diapaga 14 594 706 029 48 4
Tuy TUI Hauts-Bassins Houndé 5 639 376 198 66 7
Yagha YAG Sahel Sebba 6 468 190 098 29 4
Yatenga YAT Nord Ouahigouya 6 990 932 556 133 4
Ziro ZIR Centre-Ouest Sapouy 5 139 275 959 53 7
Zondoma ZON Nord Gourcy 1 759 271 601 154 4
Zoundwéogo ZOU Centre-Sud Manga 3 604 347 307 96 4


Existing thematic maps

  • Population density 2024


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Country data

Official Web Site

National Law

Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatische Beziehungen

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Spanish Foreign Ministry


CIA - World Factbook

  International Data



IOM - International Organization for Migration


World Health Organisation

UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Development cooperation



Special Data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

IEA Energy Atlas

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch

INTERPOL Burkina Faso

World Prison Brief

Global Terrorism Database


Membership in international organisations and treaties

Expand list

Political Alliances

Regional Unions

Military alliances/Arms control

Law enforcement

Business Alliances


Free Trade Area, Internal Market

Technical alliances



Humanitarian Unions

Cultural Unions


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International Border disputes

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See also neighboring states

Benin - Ghana - Ivory Coast - Mali - Niger - Togo




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