
Mano River Union

Wikipedia short information

The Mano River Union (MRU) is an international association initially established between Liberia and Sierra Leone by the 3 October 1973 Mano River Declaration.[1] It is named for the Mano River which begins in the Guinea highlands and forms a border between Liberia and Sierra Leone. On 25 October 1980, Guinea joined the union.

The goal of the Union was to ""accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural advancement of our two countries ... by active collaboration and mutual assistance in matters of common interest in economic, social, technical, scientific and administrative fields"". The staff numbered 600 in 1986, but was down to 300 in 1993, then to 120, and 48 in 2000.

Link: MRU

Official Web-Site


MRU map


Members, Observers and other participations

Full members Observers Special members
Ivory Coast    
Sierra Leone    




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