
Interesting Links

We have here any general information, sites with information about countries and standards, as welll as GIS and IT standards for the work with maps.

Country specific links you have on each country page. If you have suggestions for newer and more exact links, or information about missing of failed links - Please inform us!


Country information

ISO 3166 - Country Codes - Wikipedia

UNStats Demographic and Social Statistics - especiallly the Demographic Yearbook System - In each Yearbook publish time series of the population of each UN member country - mostly the last 10 years

BD - City - Information about geographic places

Index Mundi - Interesting site for statistical time series of different countries

GeoNames - Geographic names data base

CIA World Factbook - one of the most actualized country data collections

Wikipedia - Lists of countries and territories

Administrative Divisions of Countries ("Statoids")

City Population - Population - Country information

Maps of the world - Country information and map collection

National Statistics Institutions of European Countries - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Country database of the German Foreign Ministry

Country informations of the Spanish Foreign Ministry

Lexas - Country information - a good first step - Good figures and diagrams

EUROSTAT - EU - Standard information source

Humanitarian Information Network - Latin America and Carribians - in spanish

EuroStat - European Statistical data collection

Country database territorial disputes

US Census Bureau - Interesting data for country compariciones and over USA

Mappi - Good collection of Bitmap-country maps

On the World Map - Good collection of Bitmap-country maps



GIS - Information

GIS Netzwerk - Good GIS Page - Only in German

Vector graphic formats - good overview

GISGeography - Good source for information about GIS and countries

GIS and IT data standards - ESRI

Openstreet Map - Gute Alternative zu Google Maps und anderen ...

Commercial GIS Software: List of Commercial Mapping Software

List of geographic information systems software

GeoAPI für Open Office - Libre Office Plugin


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