Republic of Türkiiye
Capital |
Currency | Government system |
Ankara |
Turkish Lira (TRY) |
Presidential system |
Official language | Region |
Population |
Turkish |
Europe |
Estimation 2022 84 680 273 |
Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Türkiiye

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Provinces: | yes |
Streets: | yes |
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Rivers: | yes |
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Statistical data - Population density according to the administrative structure
The population data of the table below is an estimation form 2022, last available data.
Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the province name.
Province |
ISO 3166-2 |
Capital |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Density (pers/km²) |
Total |
779 993 |
84 680 273 |
108,6 |
Last update: 01.10.2024 - 02:24:08 |
Adana |
TR-01 |
Adana |
14 046 |
2 263 373 |
161,1 |
Adiyaman |
TR-02 |
Adiyaman |
7 606 |
632 148 |
83,1 |
Afyonkarahisar |
TR-03 |
Afyonkarahisar |
14 719 |
744 179 |
50,6 |
Agri |
TR-04 |
Agri |
11 499 |
524 644 |
45,6 |
Aksaray |
TR-68 |
Aksaray |
7 966 |
429 069 |
53,9 |
Amasya |
TR-05 |
Amasya |
5 704 |
335 331 |
58,8 |
Ankara |
TR-06 |
Ankara |
25 402 |
5 747 325 |
226,3 |
Antalya |
TR-07 |
Antalya |
20 791 |
2 619 832 |
126,0 |
Ardahan |
TR-75 |
Ardahan |
4 968 |
94 932 |
19,1 |
Artvin |
TR-08 |
Artvin |
7 367 |
169 543 |
23,0 |
Aydin |
TR-09 |
Aydin |
7 904 |
1 134 031 |
143,5 |
Balikesir |
TR-10 |
Balikesir |
14 473 |
1 250 610 |
86,4 |
Bartin |
TR-74 |
Bartin |
2 080 |
201 711 |
97,0 |
Batman |
TR-72 |
Batman |
4 659 |
626 319 |
134,4 |
Bayburt |
TR-69 |
Bayburt |
3 739 |
85 042 |
22,7 |
Bilecik |
TR-11 |
Bilecik |
4 307 |
228 334 |
53,0 |
Bingol |
TR-12 |
Bingöl |
8 254 |
283 112 |
34,3 |
Bitlis |
TR-13 |
Bitlis |
7 095 |
352 277 |
49,7 |
Bolu |
TR-14 |
Bolu |
8 323 |
320 014 |
38,4 |
Burdur |
TR-15 |
Burdur |
7 135 |
273 716 |
38,4 |
Bursa |
TR-16 |
Bursa |
10 886 |
3 147 818 |
289,2 |
Canakkale |
TR-17 |
Çanakkale |
9 950 |
557 276 |
56,0 |
Cankiri |
TR-18 |
Khanjarah |
7 492 |
196 515 |
26,2 |
Corum |
TR-19 |
Çorum |
12 796 |
526 282 |
41,1 |
Denizli |
TR-20 |
Denizli |
11 804 |
1 051 056 |
89,0 |
Diyarbakir |
TR-21 |
Diyarbakir |
15 204 |
1 791 373 |
117,8 |
Duzce |
TR-81 |
Düzce |
2 593 |
400 976 |
154,6 |
Edirne |
TR-22 |
Edirne |
6 098 |
412 115 |
67,6 |
Elazig |
TR-23 |
Elazig |
9 281 |
588 088 |
63,4 |
Erzincan |
TR-24 |
Erzincan |
11 728 |
237 351 |
20,2 |
Erzurum |
TR-25 |
Erzurum |
25 331 |
756 893 |
29,9 |
Eskisehir |
TR-26 |
Eskisehir |
13 902 |
898 369 |
64,6 |
Gaziantep |
TR-27 |
Gaziantep |
6 845 |
2 130 432 |
311,2 |
Giresun |
TR-28 |
Giresun |
6 832 |
450 154 |
65,9 |
Gümüshane |
TR-29 |
Gümüshane |
6 437 |
150 119 |
23,3 |
Hakkari |
TR-30 |
Hakkari |
7 179 |
278 218 |
38,8 |
Hatay |
TR-31 |
Antioch |
5 831 |
1 670 712 |
286,5 |
Igdir |
TR-76 |
Igdir |
3 588 |
203 159 |
56,6 |
Isparta |
TR-32 |
Isparta |
8 871 |
445 678 |
50,2 |
Istanbul |
TR-34 |
Istanbul |
5 315 |
15 840 900 |
2 980,2 |
Izmir |
TR-35 |
Izmir |
12 016 |
4 425 789 |
368,3 |
Kahramanmaras |
TR-46 |
Kahramanmaras |
14 457 |
1 171 298 |
81,0 |
Karabuk |
TR-78 |
Karabük |
4 109 |
249 287 |
60,7 |
Karaman |
TR-70 |
Karaman |
8 869 |
258 838 |
29,2 |
Kars |
TR-36 |
Kars |
10 139 |
281 077 |
27,7 |
Kastamonu |
TR-37 |
Kastamonu |
13 158 |
375 592 |
28,5 |
Kayseri |
TR-38 |
Kayseri |
17 109 |
1 434 357 |
83,8 |
Kilis |
TR-79 |
Kilis |
1 428 |
145 826 |
102,1 |
Kirikkale |
TR-71 |
Kirikkale |
4 570 |
275 968 |
60,4 |
Kirklareli |
TR-39 |
Kirklareli |
6 300 |
366 363 |
58,2 |
Kirsehir |
TR-40 |
Kirsehir |
6 530 |
242 944 |
37,2 |
Kocaeli |
TR-41 |
Kocaeli |
3 625 |
2 033 441 |
560,9 |
Konya |
TR-42 |
Konya |
40 814 |
2 277 017 |
55,8 |
Kutahya |
TR-43 |
Kütahya |
12 014 |
578 640 |
48,2 |
Malatya |
TR-44 |
Malatya |
12 103 |
808 692 |
66,8 |
Manisa |
TR-45 |
Manisa |
13 229 |
1 456 626 |
110,1 |
Mardin |
TR-47 |
Mardin |
8 806 |
862 757 |
98,0 |
Mersin |
TR-33 |
Içel |
15 512 |
1 891 145 |
121,9 |
Mugla |
TR-48 |
Mugla |
12 949 |
1 021 141 |
78,9 |
Mus |
TR-49 |
Mus |
8 067 |
405 228 |
50,2 |
Nevsehir |
TR-50 |
Nevsehir |
5 392 |
308 003 |
57,1 |
Nigde |
TR-51 |
Nigde |
7 365 |
363 725 |
49,4 |
Ordu |
TR-52 |
Ordu |
5 952 |
760 872 |
127,8 |
Osmaniye |
TR-80 |
Osmaniye |
3 196 |
553 012 |
173,0 |
Rize |
TR-53 |
Rize |
3 922 |
345 662 |
88,1 |
Sakarya |
TR-54 |
Adapazari |
4 880 |
1 060 876 |
217,4 |
Samsun |
TR-55 |
Samsun |
9 364 |
1 371 274 |
146,4 |
Sanliurfa |
TR-63 |
Sanliurfa |
19 336 |
2 143 020 |
110,8 |
Siirt |
TR-56 |
Siirt |
5 473 |
331 980 |
60,7 |
Sinop |
TR-57 |
Sinop |
5 817 |
218 408 |
37,5 |
Sirnak |
TR-73 |
Sirnak |
7 152 |
546 589 |
76,4 |
Sivas |
TR-58 |
Sivas |
28 567 |
636 121 |
22,3 |
Tekirdag |
TR-59 |
Tekirdag |
6 342 |
1 113 400 |
175,6 |
Tokat |
TR-60 |
Tokat |
10 073 |
602 567 |
59,8 |
Trabzon |
TR-61 |
Trabzon |
4 664 |
816 684 |
175,1 |
Tunceli |
TR-62 |
Tunceli |
7 686 |
83 645 |
10,9 |
Usak |
TR-64 |
Usak |
5 363 |
373 183 |
69,6 |
Van |
TR-65 |
Van |
19 414 |
1 141 015 |
58,8 |
Yalova |
TR-77 |
Yalova |
850 |
291 001 |
342,2 |
Yozgat |
TR-66 |
Yozgat |
14 074 |
418 500 |
29,7 |
Zonguldak |
TR-67 |
Zonguldak |
3 310 |
589 684 |
178,2 |
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