Kingdom of Cambodia
Capital |
Currency | Government system |
Phnom Penh |
Riel (KHR) |
Parliamentary democracy |
Official language | Region |
Population |
Khmer |
Far East |
Census 2019 15 288 489 |
Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Cambodia

Cambodia map - Click the map to get map as PDF file.
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Provinces: | yes |
Streets: | yes |
Infrastructure: | yes |
Rivers: | yes |
Size | Till A2 |
Delivery time | 7 working days | Price |
1 bis 3 | 60 € | > 3 | On request |
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Statistical data - Population density according to the administrative structure
The population data of the table below is census data from 2019, last available data.
Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the province name.
Province |
ISO 3166-2 |
Capital |
Area (km²) |
Population |
Density (pers/km²) |
Total |
188 337 |
15 288 489 |
81,2 |
Last update: 17.01.2023 - 22:59:18 |
Banteay Meanchey |
KH-1 |
Sisophon |
6 679 |
859 545 |
128,7 |
Battambang |
KH-2 |
Battambang |
11 702 |
987 400 |
84,4 |
Kampong Cham |
KH-3 |
Kampong Cham |
4 871 |
895 763 |
183,9 |
Kampong Chhnang |
KH-4 |
Kampong Chhnang |
5 521 |
525 932 |
95,3 |
Kampong Speu |
KH-5 |
Kampong Speu |
7 017 |
872 219 |
124,3 |
Kampong Thom |
KH-6 |
Kampong Thom |
13 814 |
677 260 |
49,0 |
Kampot |
KH-7 |
Kampot |
4 872 |
592 845 |
121,7 |
Kandal |
KH-8 |
Ta Khmao |
3 568 |
1 195 547 |
335,1 |
Kep |
KH-23 |
Krong Kep |
336 |
41 798 |
124,4 |
Koh Kong |
KH-9 |
Koh Kong |
11 160 |
123 618 |
11,1 |
Krati |
KH-10 |
Krati |
11 094 |
372 825 |
33,6 |
Mondulkiri |
KH-11 |
Senmonorom |
14 288 |
88 649 |
6,2 |
Oddar Meanchey |
KH-22 |
Samraong |
6 158 |
261 252 |
42,4 |
Pailin |
KH-24 |
Pailin |
803 |
71 600 |
89,2 |
Phnom Penh |
KH-12 |
Phnom Penh |
679 |
2 129 371 |
3 136 |
Preah Sihanouk |
KH-18 |
Sihanoukville |
10 782 |
302 887 |
28,1 |
Preah Vihear |
KH-13 |
Tbeng Meanchey |
13 788 |
251 352 |
18,2 |
Prey Veng |
KH-14 |
Prey Veng |
4 883 |
1 057 428 |
216,6 |
Pursat |
KH-15 |
Pursat |
12 692 |
411 759 |
32,4 |
Ratanakiri |
KH-16 |
Banlung |
10 782 |
204 027 |
18,9 |
Siem Reap |
KH-17 |
Siem Reap |
10 299 |
1 006 512 |
97,7 |
Stung Treng |
KH-19 |
Stung Treng |
11 092 |
159 565 |
14,4 |
Svay Rieng |
KH-20 |
Svay Rieng |
2 966 |
524 554 |
176,9 |
Takéo |
KH-21 |
Takéo |
3 563 |
899 485 |
252,5 |
Tbong Khmum |
KH-25 |
Tbong Khmum |
4 928 |
775 296 |
157,3 |
Existing thematic maps
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